Sell a handbag to help a child!
You can make an amazing difference! 100% of the profit from your sale will go directly back to our programmes helping the children and their families. By selling our products you are creating employment for the wonderful women in our livelihood programme.
Can you sell our fabulous handcrafted range of products? Ideas for your sales
- a table at a fete
- a stall at your local market
- hold a coffee morning
- Hold a ‘Purple Party’ in your home, at your workplace
- or anywhere you think our products will sell.
We need more Purple Product sellers. If you would like to join the purple movement download a Purple Product Sellers information sheet. with all the info you need on how to get your order.
Once you’ve hosted your first event, you’ll also receive a gift voucher to redeem at our online shop.
If you have any questions please just email us on