School student’s anxiety rises over their educational plan for 2021/2022.
Education is key to breaking the cycle of poverty and being part of the school system provides our students not only with knowledge and a support group but most important of all, hope for the future.
The Department of Education has not yet announced its plans for the new 2021/2022 school year but it is expected that the blended learning system of workbooks and online classes will continue.
We have set up computer hubs in each of our centers to assist those students who are in a poor signal area.
Our ALS classes for dropped-out students continue as a face-to-face program for a maximum of 20 students per class.
Can you give a child the gift of education for just £20 a month?
The children face multiple obstacles, cope with challenges many adults would struggle to overcome but when they are given the support they so desperately need, they achieve the impossible through sheer hard work and dedication. A monthly donation of £20 will provide a child:
- A weekly food parcel, packed lunch or meal in our kitchen
- Data for their smartphone for online learning
- A safe place to do their homework in our centres
- Extra tutorial classes, our tutors are allowed to provide this service house to house
- Access to our counsellors
We are practising a 2-metre social distancing in all of our activities
What You Can Expect
You will be able to keep track of your child’s progress, and watch their lives develop on a regular basis. Over the course of a year you will receive their school report, photographs and a letter from your child. We will email you when the reports, photos and letter have been uploaded to our sponsorship system so that you can access them or we can post them to you.
How to Support the Education Programme
We cannot do this without YOU, please help today by sponsoring a child into education and change their lives. Thank you.