The Coca Cola Corporation has asked Jane Walker to be one of their Ambassadors for their 5by20 programme. This programme is committed to empowering five million women entrepreneurs by 2020. To date, over 1 million artisans in 60 countries have benefited from the 5by20 programme through access to design, business skills training, finance, assets and mentorship.
Jane has been selected by the 5by20 programme to participate in projects that inspire women to become entrepreneurs. PCF’s overseas artisans and the UK Cross Border Stitching group are members of Coca Colas 5by20 programme.
Bea Perez, Coca-Cola’s chief sustainability officer said:
This availability of 5by20 artisan items on a mainstream retail site is a tremendous milestone in our journey to empower 5 million women entrepreneurs. Every item sold helps to provide women around the world with more income to send her children to better schools, provide a safe home for her family, obtain proper medical care, and pursue her own education and dreams. We are creating sustainable change.