A 20 Year Crusade
In 1996, disillusioned with her with her career in the newspaper industry, Jane Walker headed over to the Philippines for a rethink about her future. What was supposed to be a short break ended up being the start of a brand new life.
Jane heard of the horrendous conditions in which families were living and working on rubbish dumps in Manila, and on arrival asked a taxi driver to take her to the worst slum areas he knew – so she could see for herself. It was the most pivotal moment of her life and the start of a 23 year crusade to try and help break the cycle of poverty through education, welfare and livelihood programs. After building the world’s first school out of recycled shipping container vans and transforming the lives of thousands of families, the School became a purple beacon of hope.
Jane decided to return to the UK due to her sons ill health, confident that the Philippine project was now being equally funded by the UK and the Philippines. In 2015 funding was secured to pay the salary of a local CEO and Jane handed over the management of the school and charity to the local board of trustees.
In 2017 Jane and her team returned to the slums of Manila to start new community programmes for students who could not afford to attend School and exciting new livelihood programmes for their parents. Janes 23 year old crusade continues, read about our exciting new programmes in Our work and Programmes.
Thank you to all our donors for your loyal faithful support, without YOU none of this would be possible.